'The Iron Rose' T-Shirts & Apparel for Men and Women

Buy The Iron Rose print T-shirts and other apparel showing pictures from this 1973 film by Jean Rollin. Look at men’s and women’s clothing items I have for sale below.

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Choose the type of clothing you need — female or male. Then, look at the design options and apparel items you prefer to wear.

This Jean Rollin print T-shirt is available in English and French by default. However, you may want it in German, Italian or whatever other language. In this case, just ask me to create a different language version for you. Send me the exact phrase to copy (make sure it doesn’t contain typos), and I will customize my design.

You may also want me to change the caption “I found the iron rose at the Amiens cemetery in 1973” to something less silly or more interesting. I won’t mind doing this for you as well.

As for the apparel types, I may have listed not everything that is available from my supplier. If you want a dress or a hoodie, and I don’t have one at my store, ask me if I can add it. I will see what I can do.

Similarly to my Fascination T-shirt, this design is a modified version of a painting that I made in 2017 or so, for myself. It was drawn with black acrylic paint on a white T-shirt.

I drew it based on a screenshot from The Iron Rose and made a cardboard stencil of it, to properly transfer it onto fabric. In my YouTube videos, I often wear this shirt. Perhaps, you recognize it if you are my subscriber.

Now that I’m launching this online shop, I decided to reuse the same drawing. But rather than making it black on a white T-shirt, I added colors and different text to it.

The picture represents Francoise Pascal in one of the most famous shots in The Iron Rose by Jean Rollin — the one where her character holds a skull.

Francoise Pascal in The Iron Rose, a 1973 film by Jean Rollin
Francoise Pascal in The Iron Rose, a 1973 film by Jean Rollin

In her interview, Francoise Pascal shared that during the filming, there were real skulls and bones in the graves where she had to play making love with the character of Hugues Quester. Francoise didn’t feel very comfortable because of this. Probably, this skull that she raises in this iconic shot was real as well.

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