'Fascination' Film T-Shirts & Apparel for Men and Women

Buy Fascination T-shirts or other apparel with prints showing characters from this 1979 film by Jean Rollin. Choose available male and female clothing items below.

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Select your category — male or female Fascination T-shirts or other clothing — and view the available products listed for sale.

If you don’t find an apparel type you’d like to buy, ask me if I can add it: apart from T-shirts, I can have the design printed on hoodies, dresses, long sleeve shirts, and a few other clothing types.

At the time of writing this, I have only one design for this film. It’s the character of Brigitte Lahaie painted based on a still from the famous scene of the scythe-versus-knife fight. In this scene, the character of Brigitte Lahaie fights the character of Myriam Watteau.

Brigitte is mesmerizing in this scene — dressed in nothing but a black cloak and boots on high heels. Confident and merciless like death itself, she looks and moves like a predator. So different from the image of a scared servant she pretends to be in her first scenes of the movie.

Fascination (film by Jean Rollin, 1979) Scythe Fight
The scythe fight scene from the film Fascination by Jean Rollin, released in 1979.

Initially, I created this design to make a stencil of it. It was for painting this picture with a brush and acrylic paint on my own shirt. I did this a few years ago. If you watch one of my YouTube channels, you have probably seen it. And now that I’m launching this shop, I decided to reuse this design, with certain modifications. So now you can have Jean Rollin T-shirts almost like mine.

I offer three versions of this Fascination T-shirt design: one in English, and two other ones — in French (male and female phrasing). If you’d like to buy a clothing item with this design but with text in a different language, I can customize it for you. Or if you have another phrase altogether in mind that you like better than “I was fascinated by Brigitte’s scythe in 1979”. If so, send me an email and request the change.

Showing 1–9 of 22 results