‘Diabolique’ (2013 Film) T-Shirts & Apparel

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Apparel Types

The available items to print the Diabolique designs on include: unisex T-shirts, tank tops, long sleeve and sleeveless (“muscle”) shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and female dresses.

If you have another item in mind or if you don’t see any of the options enumerated above, just message me to ask if I can get one for you. I will do my best to accommodate.

Print Shirt Designs

At the time of writing this, I have made two designs for the movie Diabolique by Cosmotropia de Xam.


The first design is a collage that I made in a style that I had learned when working on Ed Seeman (Eduardo Cemano) print shirt designs.

This design includes all of the actors and characters from the film: Aura, Martin N, Günter Schickert (the vampire company) and Agnes Pándy (the vampires’ victim).

This was my very first design of all of the designs created for the Cosmotropia de Xam print shirt collection.

Cosmotropia de Xam said it wouldn’t work very well for the buyers because the composition involved too many elements, which made it too complex for a shirt design: the best print shirts are the ones with simple designs.

This makes sense as one large element is easier to perceive than a composition consisting of multiple smaller pieces. And T-shirts with prints are supposed to catch attention quickly by showing something that is easy and quick to understand.

Still, as this composition was already made, he agreed to let me use it, after he had had me correct Aura’s face (at the top), which I initially had edited badly, and after he had corrected the colors of Aura biting Agnes at the bottom of the design.


This is my second design of the Cosmotropia de Xam T-shirt series. It shows probably the most memorable and the most disturbing shot from the film — demonic-looking Aura with white, pupilless eyes, with her mouth open and Esmakra running from it.

I ran into a problem because the screenshots made from the film (that I used to make my design of) were too blurry. For a while, I couldn’t make it look sharp enough without making the face look too distorted.

Cosmotropia de Xam provided me with two high resolution variants of the same shot from the film. They differed with colors and contrast levels. Thanks to this, I figured out to make a superposition of one of the shots onto another, which, after meticulous editing of other details, gave me an acceptable result.

Unlike the previous Diabolique T-shirt design, where the text simply cites the film title, this one features a humorous phrase: ‘I drank esmakra with Cosmotropia de Xam in 2013’.

If you haven’t watched the film, this music video, made of clips from the movie and the main theme song, will give you the understanding of its level of weirdness:

You can also read my old review of Diabolique by Cosmotropia de Xam in my blog — Escapist’s Advisor.

Once I was done with the Diabolique designs, I also made three T-shirt prints for Phantasmagoria and Phantasmagoria 2: The Labyrinths of Blood (also movies by Cosmotropia de Xam).

Showing 10–16 of 16 results